Limited Edition 40th Anniversary Apparel for Trail Care Program!
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November 2023
We're celebrating 40 years of Trail Care!
In 2024, KTA's Trail Care Program will celebrate its 40th Anniversary. Each year, this program contributes over 1,500 volunteer hours to maintain hundreds of miles of PA hiking trails!
PA's hiking trails are one of our state's greatest assets as they improve overall well-being, strengthen communities, and benefit PA's economy.
By keeping our trails beautiful and safe, we are securing the future of Pennsylvania's hikers for generations.
Join us for #GivingTuesday to honor this milestone moment with celebratory Trail Care Program 40th Anniversary apparel!
This special limited-time-only campaign will be opening soon. More details to come - watch your inbox and social media for announcements!
In 2023, KTA's Trail Care Program completed 14 trail maintenance projects across the state. After the first 13, there were 83 unique volunteers out of 158 total. Each event had an average of 12.2 volunteers, completed an average of 167.4 volunteer hours, and cleared 11.3 miles of trail.
In 2024, we're looking forward to recognizing this program's 40th Anniversary all year long! There will be special content and events, including (thanks to a generous grant from South Mountain Partnership) a large celebratory trail care gathering in the Michaux State Forest.
A huge thank you to Jenn Ulmer, KTA Manager of Trail Maintenance & Training, for improving and continuing the legacy of this program!
President's Corner
In November's Letter to Members, KTA President, Wayne Gross, announces great news that will impact the future of KTA, welcomes new KTA Board Members and Representatives at Large, and recognizes KTA Award Winners!
Celebrate #NationalGratitudeMonth with a Donation to KTA's Endowment Fund! Contributions to the endowment fund remain in the fund in perpetuity. The interest earned on the endowment will be used to benefit trails through grants to clubs, KTA annual operations, and long-term hiking trail projects.
New Member Benefits for November
Save 10% + Free Shipping on MemorablePrintUS (made in PA). We love their PA State Park Adventure Checklist!
Save 15% on Hand-Carved Walking Sticks (made in PA) by The Art of Richard Michaux! He makes every walking stick by hand at his wood shop outside of Pittsburgh, PA using lumber sourced locally from trees that can be readily found in the Appalachian Mountains of Pennsylvania and more.
Save 20% on Abstract Hikes stickers! Alina, or “Abstract” on the trail, is a Colombian-American illustrator and painter based in Philly who creates art inspired by her treks, including her thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail!
KTA submitted comment letters to protect the hiking experience on 1) The Mid-State Trail, regarding a permit application from Pennsylvania General Energy for a pipeline in Lycoming County, and 2) The Appalachian Trail regarding, the construction of a duck barn on the Burkholder property.
Upcoming KTA Events
ATV Impacts on PA Trails and Forests (in partnership with Sierra Club): Black Forest Trail November 4, 2023 | Black Forest Trail
Join retired forester Bob Merrill for an easy hike on a portion of the beloved Black Forest Trail. Explore approximately four miles afoot while learning about the growing threat ATVs and UTVs pose to Pennsylvania’s public lands. Pack a lunch and plenty of water plus rain gear (just in case). Meeting location is the upper parking lot at the Tiadaghton District Office (10 Lower Pine Bottom Road, Waterville, PA 17776). After our meetup, we will caravan to the trailhead. You must wear orange!
Surprise! Trail Care Flash Crew on the Chuck Keiper Trail in Sproul State Forest (this Saturday!) November 4, 2023 | Chuck Keiper Trail, starting at 8am
An awesome volunteer wanted to show some more love to the Chuck Keiper Trail in Sproul State Forest yet this year, so we've set up a workday for this Saturday. The weather looks to be pleasant for this time of year! We're looking to tackle some downed trees and overgrown vegetation on some stretches of the trail near Fish Dam. We could accomplish more with a couple more brushcutter operators and lopper/debris flickers. We're meeting at Hyner Run State Park campground site #9 at 8am, or around 8:30-8:45 at Fish Dam Vista parking. If you'd like to camp at Hyner Run Friday or Saturday, there should be room for an additional tent or two, or Jenn can get an additional site. Please let Jenn know ( if you can join us! Free pizza afterwards at Hyner Run.
Feeling Grateful for the Appalachian Trail? Join KTA for a Maintenance Day! November 14-17, 2023 | Little Gap, PA
Kathy Corpora, KTA AT Corridor Monitor, and Garrett Fondoules of ATC are leading work days on the Appalachian Trail between Little Gap and Lehigh:
To register and learn more, email and indicate on which work day(s) you will be coming. Meet up will be at Little Gap PA Game Commission parking lot (40.806934, -75.534843).
National Take A Hike Day with KTA November 17, 2023 | Fort Hunter Conservancy, Harrisburg, PA
Get outdoors for some fresh air, scenery, and exercise at Fort Hunter Conservancy! Join us for a strenuous, mountain hike ending with a picturesque view of the Susquehanna River. This program is part of the Park Rx series of programs sponsored by Highmark Blue Shield and in partnership with Dauphin County Parks and Rec.
The deadline to submit your comments to the American Marten reintroduction plan for Pennsylvania is 11/15.
The Jenny’s Stoke Award encourages women who have a love of the mountains to be able to pursue their dreams and passions and to receive outdoor education to improve their skills.
Save the date! Blue Mountain Eagle Climbing Club will be hosting its first annual Treksylvania Backpacking Rally on May 4, 2024. Watch experienced backpackers demonstrate the gear and skills needed to get out on the trail!
Cumberland Valley Appalachian Trail Club (CVATC) recruited 30 volunteers to help build a temporary bridge and a small reroute of the Trail that now leads to the temporary bridge
The ATC held six club roundtables and made space for A.T. volunteers to gather and discuss topics ranging from organizational development to A.T. management practices. Read the recap!